Flora Consciousness

Natural Health Education & Flora Conscious Culinary Creations



I developed this Five Elements of Natural Healing methodology, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine's Five Element Theory, which is based on nature's intrinsic processes and cycles. It outlines what I have come to know are the five elements of natural healing that are required for quick, easy and efficient healing, whether physical, mental or emotional. Whenever one is left out, healing becomes more challenging or incomplete.

Each image following represents an element of natural healing.

Click on each image for a description of what that element entails.




These Five Elements of Natural Healing are the five components of nature's healing process.

Many times, because of the thought-paradigm that most of us have been raised with, we try and implement natural medicine allopathically. However, natural medicine doesn't work allopathically. You can't use a natural substance allopathically and expect it to work in the same way. Natural medicine involves consideration of how everything works together as a whole, rather than attacking an undesired outcome without considering cause and effect.

Simply "taking something" isn't going to achieve healing naturally. You cannot utilize natural medicine in an allopathic way and expect it to work. Natural medicine is about so much more than just "taking something." Natural medicine works at the root of the problem, while allopathic medicine treats symptoms and manipulates nature to achieve desired results.

For example, someone may experience symptoms of a rash appearing on their neck and elbows. Allopathic medicine may prescribe cortisol or other steroids to help relieve the symptoms of the rash. Natural medicine, on the other hand, will consider what's causing the rash, along with knowledge of the working of the systems of the human body, and try and gain insight into why the rash is present. Being that there are a lot of lymph nodes contained in our necks, and there are lymph nodes in all of our joints, such as our elbows, and the lymph system loves to push unwanted things out of the body through the skin, from the perspective of natural medicine, we could figure that the rash is caused by the lymph system being too back up with either toxins and/or pathogens the body is trying to push out of it. Then, rather than only "taking something" to alleviate the discomfort of the rash by suppressing the body's natural response to it, rather with natural medicine, the person may take natural antimicrobials and/or detoxifying agents along with lymph massage, alkalizing their diet and cutting back on certain foods, performing hydrotherapy and essentially implement the five elements of natural healing outlined here. This would also have the effect of relieving the rash, but it would be achieved in a different way, quite arguably in a more sustainable way, as well, by solving the root of the problem.

A lot of allopathic medicine is based on the idea that we can't know what the root of the problem is, because standardized medicine so far removed from nature, that it just can't see the problem clearly. When you are imbued with the knowledge of nature and its workings, however, which our bodies are a part of, then it's easy to see the root of problems that manifest within our bodies.

Allopathic medicine is also often based on the idea that nature just goes randomly haywire sometimes, for no known reason, and so man has to step in and fix it. Thus, so many diseases are treated from the perspective of genetic mistakes and auto-immune diseases where the body starts attacking itself for no apparent reason. Again, it's because standardized medicine is so far removed from nature, that the problems cannot be seen clearly. However, within the last decade, mainstream medicine has finally been beginning to recognize the importance of the microbiome of our bodies and living in a symbiotic relationship with this vital part of our immune system for good health. This is a huge breakthrough in the right direction for allopathic medicine. After so many decades of flooding our bodies with unnatural, harsh chemicals in order to manipulate their natures into achieving a desired result, without proper consideration of any potential consequences, mainstream medicine has finally stopped to think about how this might be contributing to the epidemic of chronic illness, as increasing evidence of the imporatance of the microbiome becomes too obvious and widespread to ignore.

In the U.S., 60% of adults and 54% of children are living with at least one chronic illness. How can this be with the advances in medicine that have been made? The problem is that we've been advancing in one direction without consideration of what might come from the other directions.

That's where Flora Consciousness comes in. Flora consciousness is imperative in these times to restoring our good health. The Five Elements of Natural Healing is a modality we can use to work with nature's processes in order to return our bodies to the vital instruments of joy that they are, brimming with life.

In the coming weeks, I'll be posting more here about what each element of natural healing entails, so be sure to check again soon and sign up for my newsletter via the following form.

Feel free to email with any questions.

Reclaim Your Body


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This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. This site offers medical information about treatments and remedies which are available in other countries completely legally, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. Any statements regarding alternative treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA.