Soul Whisper Consulting

Classical Feng Shui & Eco-Regenerative Design


"I sold my house in four days! Thank you for the feng shui recommendations, particularly activating the water element and using your house selling ritual - they helped clear the way for a smooth sale. The sale closed in 30 days."

- Sienna in Fairfax, California

SWC Home Sold low res.jpg

"I am a professional astrologer, yet I’ve never had a pole-star reading and Katyayani Betha/The Strong Foundation went well beyond my expectations!

"Wow, her devotion to Polestar Astrology shines brightly in her heart and has undoubtedly lit mine as well in reverence for the light, wisdom, and insights she has shown me through Feng Shui and PoleStar Astrology.

"I cannot tell you how many times I have re-listened to my reading, amazing work, certainly recommend this!"

~ Zenith Mystery School

Find out more about the
Feng Shui Consultations I offer & how one can benefit you:


You can also contact me to set up a FREE initial phone consultation so you can see if my services are right for you. In your 5 minute free phone consultation, we will briefly discuss what your goals and challenges are, and I will answer any questions you might have.


Ready to schedule your consultation?


Music by the inspiring


featuring Soundmouse